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The future is bright for XR in Europe - which is good news for Shared VR too

The future is bright for XR in Europe - which is good news for Shared VR too

9th June 2021

Recently, Ecorys and the XR Association published their super-detailed, super-insightful report into the state of the XR industry in Europe. It&rsquo…


Photo of the Month - May

Photo of the Month - May

26th May 2021

Back by popular demand, it’s our Photo of the Month series!Here at Igloo we run a monthly internal competition where employees can submit their…


How University students have developed 360/Shared VR content to enhance empathy

How University students have developed 360/Shared VR content to enhance empathy

26th May 2021

Virtual reality (VR) is often referred to as the ‘empathy machine’ since it doesn’t just show you other people’s experiences…


Time flies - one month already of our new demo centre in Rotterdam

Time flies - one month already of our new demo centre in Rotterdam

20th May 2021

It’s been just over a month since we opened our first demo centre in the Netherlands, at HNK in Rotterdam. The centre was opened to allow more…


Findings from our first university client

Findings from our first university client

14th May 2021

Way back in 2014, the University of Brighton became our ever first university client. It was looking for a shared immersive space for its Centre …


Increasing engagement on T Level courses

Increasing engagement on T Level courses

5th May 2021

Last September saw the launch of T Levels in the UK, an alternative to A Levels. One T Level is equivalent to three A Levels, and T Levels offer …


Introducing… Photo of the Month

Introducing… Photo of the Month

22nd April 2021

Here at Igloo we’re all for a little bit of friendly competition, which is why we launched our Photo of the Month contest. You may have spotted…


Your one-stop shop all about Igloo

Your one-stop shop all about Igloo

21st April 2021

In this day and age, who would think of producing a company brochure? Certainly not us. We'd always taken the view that a website is a digital brochure…


Working with the Immersive Workspace

Working with the Immersive Workspace

19th April 2021

We recently had a visit from Revizto, who came to our Shropshire based headquarters to test out the Revitzo V5 in our Immersive Workspace.The Immersive…


How businesses can create engaging office environments in a post-pandemic world

How businesses can create engaging office environments in a post-pandemic world

6th April 2021

Covid-19 has changed everything about every aspect of our lives. National lockdowns and restrictions have forced businesses to work remotely, with…


Using immersive technology to deliver events of value in 2021

Using immersive technology to deliver events of value in 2021

1st April 2021

What we thought of as events dramatically changed over 2020. The world had no choice but to pivot to virtual events. Hybrid events have followed. …


A guide for anyone looking to create a shared immersive space

A guide for anyone looking to create a shared immersive space

22nd March 2021

When looking to create a shared immersive space, there is SO much to consider. Thinking about what kind of space you have, what kind of space you…