Contact Igloo

The beauty of the Igloo Immersive Media Player is just how flexible it is. Content-and-display-agnostic, it enables you to get the tools you already use into a shared immersive space. And, with our Igloo Realtime application, you can even integrate your interactive tools for simulation, visualisation, training, and more.

The newest addition to our ever-growing roster of integrations is Luminova.

Luminova is a Unity-based visualiser using 3D Repo server-side Building Information Modelling (BIM) management. Luminova takes your BIM and 3D models and turns them into highly-realistic, incredibly detailed, super-engaging visualisations. So, you and your clients can explore various aspects of your projects before they’re built, and gain a better understanding of the complexities, risks, and solutions.

What’s especially powerful about Luminova is its Hyperview application. This brings in even more elaborate versions of models with full textures, as well as realistic people and traffic, sun and shadow movement, all in real-time. The models can be easily navigated and explored without being obscured by complex BIM and construction data - ideal for stakeholder engagement.

By using Luminova’s Hyperview in an Igloo shared immersive space, you get all the interactivity, all the realism, and all the detail, in an environment that you, your teams, and your clients can step right inside.

If you’d like to learn about how Luminova in Igloo Shared VR can work for you, just get in touch.

What are you looking for today?

  1. Find out how Igloo technology can work for you
    Explore our range of products, including cubes, domes, cylinders, immersive workspaces and Immersive Media Players.

    Find out how the Igloo software can take any content from any source in any format and put it into a shared immersive space.

    Understand more about the applications for Igloo immersive technology, including collaboration, simulation, visualisation, and experiences.

    Check out our collection of case studies and our videos for inspiration.

  2. Learn how you can partner with us
    We’re always on the lookout for content creators who live and breathe the immersive medium - and so our are clients. So, we’d love to hear from you!

    If you’re a systems integrator with a client looking to create an immersive installation, find out how our Immersive Media Player can help you. We can help advise on all the quirks as well as the characteristics of immersive installations.

    See how you can integrate your software with the flexible, content-agnostic Igloo platform, and offer your clients a way to experience your tools in a shared immersive space.

  3. Contact us and book a demo
    Ready to experience the power of Igloo technology?

    Just get in touch! We can even offer you a virtual demo.


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