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One of the biggest questions we get asked is - “where can I find content for my Igloo?”

It’s a particularly burning question for our education clients. Because, while we work with a network of amazing content creator partners, and there are several ways you can create your own immersive content, teachers and lecturers often don’t have the time to create content from scratch.

And then there’s the consideration of just how to integrate immersive content into a lesson plan.

That’s why we were so excited to see a fantastic framework from The New York Times: Virtual Reality: Realizing the Power of Experience, Excursion and Immersion in the Classroom.

The NY Times has been creating 360° videos since 2015, transporting users from Antarctica to Ethiopia, the depths of the ocean to Pluto, back to the beginning of the universe and through Olympic history.

And it’s now taken some of these videos and created eight in-depth lesson plans, on a range of topics including STEM and humanities subjects. They cover the Large Hadron Collider, to the global refugee crisis.

The key here is that The NYT understands that virtual reality is a tool to complement other teaching resources rather than to replace them.

The videos used by The NYT in its lesson plans are all available on YouTube - which means they’re available in Igloo Shared VR, thanks to the Igloo Web and Igloo Capture applications.

Classes no longer simply read about an event or watch it unfold - they get to be right at the centre of the action. And because in an Igloo, the whole class can get inside the experience, they can easily discuss it with their peers, point out items of interest to each other, without being cut off by a headset.

Another big benefit of using an Igloo immersive space to deliver this type of content is that you can bring in other layers of content too - for example you might use Igloo Capture to display the key questions you want your students to consider as they explore the VR experience, overlaid the 360° video.

Be sure to check out the lesson plans put together by The New York Times - and let us know if you’d like to learn more about how you can implement immersive content into your curriculum with Igloo.

By Theo Penty, Business Development Manager and Education Lead

What are you looking for today?

  1. Find out how Igloo technology can work for you
    Explore our range of products, including cubes, domes, cylinders, immersive workspaces and Immersive Media Players.

    Find out how the Igloo software can take any content from any source in any format and put it into a shared immersive space.

    Understand more about the applications for Igloo immersive technology, including collaboration, simulation, visualisation, and experiences.

    Check out our collection of case studies and our videos for inspiration.
  2. Learn how you can partner with us
    We’re always on the lookout for content creators who live and breathe the immersive medium - and so our are clients. So, we’d love to hear from you!

    If you’re a systems integrator with a client looking to create an immersive installation, find out how our Immersive Media Player can help you. We can help advise on all the quirks as well as the characteristics of immersive installations.

    See how you can integrate your software with the flexible, content-agnostic Igloo platform, and offer your clients a way to experience your tools in a shared immersive space.
  3. Contact us and book a demo
    Ready to experience the power of Igloo technology?

    Just get in touch! We can even offer you a virtual demo.
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