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Return on investment, or ROI, is something we frequently get asked about. It’s understandable – an Igloo shared immersive space (or any kind of immersive space) can represent a significant investment for an organisation, from the financial cost, to the time needed for installation, to the floorspace, to the training of its users. Potential customers often want to know how they can quantify the value an Igloo immersive space will bring to their business.

Two people pointing at a projection of a bedroom on Igloo technology.
Whatever you use your Igloo for, it's key to get the most out of it.

So, we’ve put together a brand-new white paper to explore just this question.

Within it, we share five methods of showing the return of investment on an Igloo:

  • Adoption within the business
  • Time or money saved
  • Impact on learning outcomes
  • Audience or employee engagement
  • Overall impact on enhanced workflows

Plus we explore how ten of our clients have evaluated the impact of their Igloo installations, such as Lanes Group, Med Learning Group, Wessex Water, and more.

By measuring not just the return, but the uptake of the technology in your organisation, you’ll be able to see if you and your teams are getting the most out of your new Igloo space. And, if you find that the technology isn’t being used to its full potential, we want to help you change that. (After all, the last thing we want is for our customers to stop using their Igloos.)

Of course, every organisation is different, with different applications, different priorities, and different metrics. So, the metrics that matter to you will differ. But we hope that you’ll find some ideas in this white paper that you can take forward.

And if you’re an existing Igloo client, we’re here to help you make sure you get maximum value from your Igloo – so be sure to drop us a line.


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